Thermo Fisher(Dynabeads) Dynabeads Dynabeads Untouched Human B Cells
- 研究用
ネガティブアイソレーションキットには、除去したい細胞に対するモノクローナル抗体ミックスと粒径1 µmのディプリーション用ビーズが入っています。
Pure and untouched human B cells were negatively isolated from PBMC using Dynabeads® Untouched™ Human B Cells (Cat. no. 113-51D). The other image associated with this SKU shows the percentage of B cells among PBMC prior to isolation, and the purity of untouched B cells after isolation. This figure shows how the cells proliferate and up-regulate the co-stimulatory molecules CD40, CD54, and CD86 (shown in the other image) in response to CpG oligo and LPS. (d0 = day 0 and d2 = day 2 of incubation).