STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff APEL2 Medium
- 研究用
STEMdiff™ APEL™ 2 Mediumは、ヒトES細胞およびiPS細胞の分化のための、組成が完全に定義された無血清かつ動物性成分フリーの培地です。Andrew Elefanty博士が報告したAPEL組成に基づいており、タンパク質フリーハイブリドーマ培地などの未定義成分は含まれていません。
本品は、接着培養またはAggreWell™を使用する胚様体(embryoid body; EB)ベースの培養プロトコルに使用できます。外胚葉、中胚葉および内胚葉の各細胞系列に分化するため、様々な誘導因子やサイトカインと併用できます。
STEMdiff™ APEL™ 2 Mediumでヒト多能性幹細胞をさまざまな系列に分化
- TeSR™培地で培養したヒトES/iPS細胞に適合
- 胚様体(EB)培養、接着培養の両方に対応
- サイトカインまたは誘導因子を添加することで、内・中・外胚葉の分化をサポート
注)STEMdiff APEL2 MediumはSTEMdiff APEL Mediumの後継品です。STEMdiff APEL Mediumの組成から5% Protein-Free Hybridoma Medium II (Thermo Fisher catalog #12040077)が除去されていますので、必要に応じて添加してご利用ください。
Figure 1. Generation of Hematopoietic Progenitors Using STEMdiff™ APEL™2 in a Spin EB Protocol
(A) Embryoid bodies can be generated by seeding 8000 hPSCs/well of a 96-well plate or (B) 500 hPSCs per microwell of AggreWell™400 24-well plates using STEMdiff™ APEL™2 Medium supplemented with Rho Kinase Inhibitor. Images shown were taken 24 hours after seeding. For hematopoietic differentiation using STEMdiff™ APEL™2 Medium, EBs in 96-well plates were generated following a modified Zhu and Kaufman protocol (STEMdiff™ APEL™2 supplemented with Human Recombinant SCF, ACF, Human Recombinant VEGF-165, ACF, Human Recombinant BMP-4, Rho Kinase Inhibitor IV, and Human Recombinant bFGF). At Day 6, EBs were dissociated, and cell counts and flow cytometry were performed. Hematopoietic progenitors were generated in 3 cell lines; ES cell line (H9) and human iPS cell lines (STCi-003-A and WLS-1C). Cells were gated on singlets and viability. (C) Representative flow plot of WLS-1C. (D) Quantification of CD34+ cells at Day 6 and (E) quantification of yield of viable CD34+ cells generated per 96-well plate. Error bars are shown as mean +/- SEM, n = 3.