STEMCELL Technologies ImmunoCult ImmunoCult-ACF Hum B Cell Expansion supplement
- 研究用
ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement(ST-10974)は、血清、フィーダー細胞、または特殊な培養プレートを使用しない条件下で、in vitroにおけるヒト末梢血B細胞の増殖を促進するために開発された、無血清および動物性成分フリーのサプリメントです。このサプリメントには、組換えタンパク質と、ヒトB細胞の活性化と増殖、および形質細胞への成熟をサポートする成分が含まれています。
ImmunoCult™-XF T Cell Expansion Medium(ST-10981)などの基本培地に添加することで、ヒトB細胞の拡大培養とPlasma細胞への成熟化を促進させる50倍濃縮サプリメントです。本サプリメントとImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Base Medium(ST-100-0646)を含むキット製品、ImmunoCult™ Human B Cell Expansion Kit(ST-100-0645)としても購入可能です。
ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplementをもちいて、無血清条件下でB細胞を効率よく増殖および成熟化できます!
- ヒトB細胞のin vitroでの増殖を、血清やフィーダー細胞、専用プレートを使用せず行えます
- 動物性成分不使用のサプリメントです
Figure 1. Expansion and Maturation of Human B Cells with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
B cells isolated from human PBMCs (leukapheresis packs) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit were seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in 24-well tissue culture plates with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement. ImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Expansion Medium was used as a base medium. The cells were passaged every 3 - 4 days. (A) Fold expansion of viable cells is shown for n = 12 donors, with bars representing the mean and 95% confidence level (range 38- to 1,190-fold at day 14 ± 1 day). (B) Expression of CD138 and CD20 was analyzed by flow cytometry at each timepoint (data represent % positive viable cells; mean ± 1 SD). The observed changes indicate maturation of B cells to plasma cells/blasts.

Figure 2. Light Microscopy Image of Cultured Human B Cells
B cells isolated from human PBMCs (Leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit were seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in a 24-well tissue culture plate with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement. ImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Expansion Medium was used as a base medium. The cells were passaged on day 4 after seeding and imaged at 40x magnification on day 6.

Figure 3. Expansion and Viability of Human Memory B Cells Cultured with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
Memory B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (Leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Memory B Cell Isolation Kit and were seeded at 0.5 x 10^5 cells/well in 48-well tissue culture plates with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement. ImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Expansion Medium was used as a base medium. The cells were passaged every 2 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells (A) and cell viability (B) were calculated at each time point. Data represent the mean ± 1 SD of triplicate cultures for the same donor.
Figure 4. Expansion and Viability of Human Naive B Cells Cultured with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement
Naive B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (Leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Memory B Cell Isolation Kit and were seeded at 0.5 x 10^5 cells/well in 48-well tissue culture plates with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement. ImmunoCult™-XF B Cell Expansion Medium was used as a base medium. The cells were passaged every 2 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells (A) and cell viability (B) were calculated at each time point. Data represent the mean ± 1 SD of triplicate cultures for the same donor.
Figure 5. Expansion of Human Pan-B Cells Cultured with Various Base Media Supplemented with ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement or 10% FBS
Pan-B cells were isolated from human PBMCs (Leukopak) using EasySep™ Human Pan-B Cell Enrichment Kit and seeded at 1 x 10^5 cells/well in 24-well tissue culture plates with various base media supplemented with either ImmunoCult™-ACF Human B Cell Expansion Supplement or 10% FBS. The cells were passaged every 3 - 4 days and the fold expansion of viable cells was calculated at each time point. Data represent the mean + 1SD for n = 3 donors (each culture condition was performed in triplicate).