STEMCELL Technologies EasySep EasySep Serology Whole Blood CD19 Positive Selection Kit
- 研究用
EasySep™ Serology Whole Blood CD19 Positive Selection Kit(ST-18984)は、新鮮ヒト全血から高純度のCD19陽性細胞を免疫磁気ポジティブセレクションで単離する製品です。
最初にヒトCD19+細胞をCD19表面マーカーを認識する抗体で標識します。目的の細胞は抗体と磁性粒子で標識され、EasySep™ Magnetでカラムを使用せずに分離されます。不要な細胞は溶液を流すだけで除去され、目的の細胞はチューブ内に残ります。分離した細胞はHLA血清学、フローサイトメトリー、または核酸(DNA/RNA)抽出などの下流のアプリケーションにすぐご利用いただけます。
EasySep™ Serology Whole Blood CD19 Positive Selection Kitでヒト全血から高純度のB細胞をポジティブ分離!
Starting with human whole blood, the CD19+ cell content of the isolated fraction typically ranges from 89.4 - 97.8% (note: as the CD19 antibody used for flow cytometry staining was fully blocked by the CD19 antibody used to isolate the cells, staining of B cells was assessed by labeling with anti-CD20 antibody; gated on CD45+). In the above example, the purities of the start and final isolated fractions are 7.3% and 96.2%, respectively (gated on CD45+). NOTE: Red blood cells were removed from start sample by lysis prior to flow cytometry. NOTE: The magnetic particles present on the surface of the isolated CD19+ cells will cause a large FSC/SSC shift when the samples are run on a flow cytometer. This will make it difficult to gate on a specific lymphocyte population based on FSC/SSC. Instead, we recommend first gating the cells on CD45 and examining the lymphocyte populations based on the CD45+ gate.