STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff Gastric Organoid Expansion Medium
- 研究用
STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Expansion Medium(ST-100-0490)は、ヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)由来の胃オルガノイドを継代培養して維持するための培地です。
本製品は、hPSC由来胃オルガノイドを作製するための STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Differentiation Kit(ST-100-0475)に構成品としても含まれています。
*本製品は、hPSC由来胃オルガノイドを継代培養して維持するための培地です。hPSC由来胃オルガノイドの作製には STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Differentiation Kit(ST-100-0475)をご利用ください。
STEMdiff Gastric Organoid Differentiation Kitは、hPSCから効率的に胃オルガノイドを作製します
- 発生中の胃上皮と付随する間葉に高い関連性をもつモデル系です
- 堅牢な培地によって、ヒトES/iPS細胞から胃オルガノイドへ効率良く分化できます
- 継代による長期の維持や凍結保存が可能な、便利でフレキシビリティの高い実験系です
- 実験のばらつきを抑えられるように最適化された無血清培地です
Figure 1. Generation of Human Gastric Organoid Cultures Using STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Differentiation Kit
hPSCs were seeded as small aggregates (50 - 200 μm) at low density (4000 aggregates/well) in mTeSR™1 or mTeSR™ Plus on Corning® Matrigel®-coated 24-well plates and allowed to attach overnight. Two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cultures were maintained with daily mTeSR™1 medium changes until a near-confluent monolayer (85 - 90%) was achieved. (A) On day 0, differentiation was initiated by replacing the medium with STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm (DE) Medium (Stage 1), then daily medium changes were performed. (B) On day 3, DE Medium was removed and replaced with STEMdiff™ Gastric Posterior Foregut (PF) Medium (Stage 2). On day 5, retinoic acid (RA) was added to PF Medium. (C) On day 7 of differentiation, floating posterior foregut spheroids were harvested from the supernatant and embedded into Corning® Matrigel®. Between days 7 and 10, embedded PF spheroids were cultured in STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Medium + RA (Stage 3). Between days 10 and 26, spheroids were matured to gastric organoids surrounded by mesenchyme in STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Medium. (D) Between days 20 and 26, gastric organoids were passaged for full differentiation in STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Medium until expression of gastric markers was observed (~day 34) and/or (E) expanded in STEMdiff™ Gastric Organoid Expansion Medium to be used for downstream applications or cryopreserved for future experiments. Scale bars = 500 μm.
詳しい使用方法は、英語マニュアル(STEMCELL Technologies社)をご覧ください。