From suppliers abroad to end users including university hospitals, national hospitals, research laboratories, public research institutions and pharmaceutical companies, Veritas achieves business concepts by connecting biotechnology-oriented networks through a circle of trust.
When a supplier chooses Veritas as their Japanese distributor, they place their trust in us to represent their company and their products professionally and honorably. We fully understand and appreciate this and we take this responsibility very seriously. By always acting with the highest level of integrity, professionalism and respect, we have built very strong relationships with all of our suppliers, many of which we have enjoyed working with for many years. Some other things we do to keep our relationships with our suppliers strong include:
- Honest and straightforward communication with mutual respect
- Prompt and accurate payment of supplier invoices
- Personal contacts between management, technical support and marketing personnel of both companies
- Face-to-face visits at suppliers’ facilities for technical training and business discussions
- Introduction of supplier’s representatives to Veritas’ customers and coordination of technical seminars and site visits
- We give useful feedback from Japanese customers to our suppliers about their products. At times we discuss with them how to modify their products so that they are a slightly better fit for the Japanese market (we have a number of successful examples of this).
We also see ourselves as the coordinator of a three-way relationship between us, the supplier, and the final customer or end user. Although we do our best to become knowledgeable about our suppliers’ products, the fact is that the ultimate expertise resides within the suppliers’ organization itself. Unlike many distributors that guard the identity of their customers and keep this information from the suppliers, we believe that the customer is best served by allowing them direct access to the suppliers’ expertise whenever appropriate. Rather than keeping the customer and the supplier apart, we actively promote their interaction whenever the situation calls for it. This openness, which is achieved through relationships built upon trust and mutual respect, is a hallmark of Veritas’ approach to business.
Selling Life Science Products in Japan
Technology has made the world a much smaller place, and it often seems that most of the advanced countries are becoming more alike than they are different. However, there are still certain unique characteristics of the Japanese life sciences marketplace that are quite different from how things are done in North America or Europe. One of the unique features of the Japanese marketplace is a primary distributor’s use of a network of sub-distributors to sell products to end users. Although this system is employed by all of the major Japanese distributors of life science products, European and North American suppliers can sometimes misunderstand it or perceive it as an optional and unnecessary additional layer between themselves and the end users. Please follow the links on the left to help you better understand our sub-distributor system and Veritas' sub-distributor network.
About Sub-Distributors
In Japan, many large companies and institutions will only deal with certain local sales agents (i.e., sub-distributors) that specialize in providing certain types of products. For the large organization, this serves to reduce some of the accounting and invoicing paperwork. For the individual supplier or distributor, however, this creates both a barrier and an opportunity. A barrier, because the large organizations will not deal with the main supplier directly, no matter how valuable or unique their product offering is. An opportunity, because the development and nurturing of an excellent sub-distributor network can open doors for the main supplier and amplify its own sales and marketing initiatives. Veritas has seized this opportunity and has developed a wide and effective network of sub-distributors, each of which we treat as a partner in the process of representing our supplier’s products to potential customers.
Our Network
Veritas has a network of over 150 sub-distributors. 10 major sub-distributors from each area are selected as “special partner distributors”, which we work with very closely and plan special marketing initiatives with.
We are constantly educating our sub-distributors about our suppliers’ products, and we do our best to provide them with all the tools and ammunition they need to effectively raise customer interest in the products. Once that interest is established, they allow Veritas to interact with the customers directly, and we provide additional, more in-depth information and ongoing technical support. The staff of both our sales and our technical marketing departments work closely with our sub-distributors to gain the sale and keep the customer satisfied (for example a member of Veritas often accompanies a sub-distributor on customer visits to help them explain and learn about the products). Our model of working closely with our sub-distributors as valued partners and using their resources to full advantage is akin to an efficient “client-server” model, as opposed to the more traditional and cumbersome “mainframe” model commonly used by other Japanese distributors. We believe it is one of our strengths.
Our Direct Sales Force
In addition to the sub-distributor sales network described above, Veritas has our own direct sales force for pharmaceutical companies and major labs. So even when necessity dictates that our sub-distributors handle the financial dealings with such customers (orders, payments, etc.), Veritas deals directly with them with regards to technical sales and support. Members of our direct sales force also make contact and maintain close relationships to many academic labs. Our direct sales force helps us to keep good communication lines open with end users to collect information and to receive feedback that aids us in effective marketing.
Veritas is always on the lookout for new suppliers to represent in Japan. If your company has unique, high quality and cutting-edge products in the areas of life sciences research, diagnostics or reagent production (including raw materials) and you are looking for a trustworthy, professional distributor for the Japanese marketplace that has a commitment to customer service and deep technical support, then we invite you to contact us to discuss the possibility of working together.
The Veritas Advantage
Veritas excels at representing and supporting products that are cutting edge and technically demanding. We set ourselves apart from the large distributors that are most interested in acquiring as many products as possible and building thick catalogs full of competing products. Our approach is to focus on providing excellent sales, marketing and technical support for fewer, complementary products that demand more in-depth scientific understanding. When you choose Veritas as your Japanese distribution partner, you get the following:
- Professional image and excellent reputation
- Central Tokyo-based location
- Excellent customer service
- In-depth scientific knowledge and understanding
- First rate technical support
- Strong technical marketing abilities
- Commitment to building a long-term relationship built on trust and mutual respect
- Openness to introducing you to Japanese end-users
- Honest and straightforward communication
- Prompt and accurate payment of invoices
- A knowledgeable agent to help navigate Japanese importation and licensing regulations
- A financially stable company to deal with
What to Expect
When you first contact Veritas about the possibility of distributing your products in Japan, you will be put in touch with one of our PhD-level business development professionals. They will review your website and other product information and then ask you any questions they may have about your products and underlying technology. They will quickly be able to determine whether or not your products would fit well within our portfolio and if we would be able to represent them well in Japan. You may also have some questions about us that this website has not answered, and they will do their best to answer them. If, after this short period of getting acquainted with each other, both our companies come to the conclusion that we would like to work together, we are then happy to send you a copy of our standard distribution agreement template for your review, or, if you prefer, to review your own agreement. We try to keep the agreements and negotiations as straightforward and short as possible. One thing we do prefer, however, is an exclusive relationship. This is because we put a considerable investment into the generation of new technical marketing materials and training our technical support staff so that they can provide the best possible support for your products. In most non-exclusive relationships, this level of investment is not usually warranted and therefore each of the customer, supplier and distributor ultimately suffer. Non-exclusive relationships are more suited to commodities, “me too” products and product lines that are not technically demanding, where multiple distributors compete against each other (or even themselves when they represent competing companies) for sales.
Once the distribution agreement is executed, we will immediately get to work in translating your product and technical information into Japanese. Depending upon the complexity of your products’ underlying technology, we may also want to send representatives to your facility for hands-on training as early in the relationship as possible. We will immediately send out notification of our distributorship and a description of your products to our database of over 20000 customers and contacts by email, followed by the initial Japanese language marketing materials by mail as soon as they are available. We will also immediately begin the process of educating our own technical sales representatives and the sales agents in our sub-distribution network about your products and their applications. Your technical support staff can expect a lot of questions from ours over the next few weeks and months, as we educate ourselves on your products and technologies and start to field questions from your new Japanese customers. If you don’t hear from us, we’re not doing our job. The frequency of our questions will eventually decrease, but we will still contact your in-house experts from time to time when we receive unusual questions or requests from customers.
Product Interests
Although we are interested in evaluating a diverse range of cutting edge life sciences products, as long as they are unique and cutting edge, we are particularly interested in products for the following areas:
- Immunology
- Hematology
- Cell Biology
- Microbiology
- Expression Monitoring
- HLA Analysis
- Drug Screening and Toxicity Testing
- Environmental and Food Testing
- Regenerative medicine