STEMCELL Technologies MammoCult MammoCult Human Medium Kit
- 研究用
MammoCult™ Medium (Human) は、ヒトの乳腺幹細胞/前駆細胞をマンモスフェア(Mammosphere)として培養する、エストロゲンおよびプロゲステロンフリーの無血清培地です。乳がん細胞株由来のTumorsphereも培養できます。
MammoCult完全培地の調製には、Hydrocortisone Stock Solution(製品コード:ST-07925)とHeparin Solution(同:ST-07980)の添加が必要になります。
Figure 1. Protocol for Isolation and Identification of Human and Mouse Mammary Epithelial Progenitor Cells
Phase contrast photographs of (A) a pure human myoepithelial cell colony, (B) a pure human luminal cell colony, and (C) a mixed human colony. (D) is a mouse colony. Unlike human mammary CFC colonies, subtypes of mouse mammary epithelial cell colonies are not easily identifiable. All colonies were cultured in either EpiCult™-B (Human: Catalog #05601) or EpiCult™-B (Mouse:Catalog #5610) in the presence of an irradiated NIH 3T3 feeder layer. Colonies were visualized by staining with Wright"s Giemsa. (E) is a picture of mammospheres obtained from primary human mammary epithelial cells and (F) is an image of tumorspheres obtained from MCF7 human breast cancer cell line.