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STEMCELL Technologies NaiveCult NaiveCult Induction Kit

  • 研究用

NaïveCult™ Induction Kit (ST-05580) は、プライム状態のヒトES/iPS細胞をリセットし、ナイーブ状態に化学的誘導する導入遺伝子フリーの培地です。

本キットでリセットしたナイーブ型ヒト多能性幹細胞 (hPSC) は、縁が屈折した明るい位相差像の均一なドーム型コロニーを示し、リセットされたナイーブ状態に関連する遺伝子発現プロファイルを維持します (Guo et al. Stem Cell Reports, 2016; Guo et al. Development, 2017; Takashima et al. Cell, 2014)。

Guo et al. (2017) の組成に基づき、英国ケンブリッジ大学の Cambridge Stem Cell Institute からライセンスを受けて開発された本キットは、mTeSR™1 (ST-85850)または TeSR™-E8™ (ST-05990) で維持した複数のプライム型ヒトES/iPS細胞に対し堅牢に機能します。
キットの使用には、別売のヒストンデアセチラーゼ阻害剤 (HDACi;Sodium Butyrate [ST-72242]または Valproic Acid [ST-72292]) が必要になります。

2018/05/14 12:00の製品情報




NaïveCult™ Induction Kitをもちいて、ナイーブ型hPSCをトランスジーンフリーで誘導できます

Figure 1. Schematic of Reversion of Primed to Naïve hPSCs

Primed hPSCs, grown either in mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ on Corning® Matrigel®, are plated as single cells on inactivated murine embryonic fibroblasts (iMEFs) and treated with Rho-kinase inhibition (10 μM Y-27632) for 24 hours in hypoxic conditions. On day 1, medium is changed to Induction Medium 1 supplemented with a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) and cells are cultured for 3 days with daily medium changes. On day 4, medium is changed to Induction Medium 2 and cells are cultured until day 11 with daily medium changes. On day 11, hPSCs are passaged as single cells onto fresh iMEFs and subsequently passaged every 3 - 4 days until the end of passage 2 in Induction Medium 2. From passage 3, hPSCs are cultured in Induction Medium 3. Background differentiation will decrease between passage 3 and 8. At this time cells can be transferred into NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium for long-term maintenance and expansion.

Figure 2. Human ES and iPS Cells Can Be Reverted to a Naïve State

Representative images of human (A) passage-7 H9 ES cells and (B) passage-9 WLS-1C iPS cells that were reverted to a naïve state using the NaïveCult™ Induction Kit and subsequently cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium. During reversion, colonies change from a flat morphology to a tightly packed, domed morphology with refractive edges characteristic of naïve-state hPSCs.

Figure 3. hPSCs Cultured in the NaïveCult™ Media System Express High Levels of Factors Associated with Naïve hPSCs

Gene expression profile of human (A) H9 ES cells and (B) WLS-1C iPS cells reverted using the NaïveCult™ Induction Kit and maintained in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium.

Figure 4. Reset Naïve Human PSCs Cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium are Capable of Tri-Lineage Differentiation Following Re-Priming

Reset naïve human iPS cells cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium were re-primed in mTeSR™1 and differentiated to all three somatic lineages. (A) Representative flow cytometry plot of human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (Catalog #05110) demonstrating >90% CXCR4+/SOX17+ definitive endodermal progenitors. (B) Representative flow cytometry plot of human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using STEMdiff™ Mesodermal Induction Medium (Catalog #05220) demonstrating >80% Brachyury+/OCT4- mesodermal progenitors. (C) Representative immunofluorescence image of PAX6 (green) and SOX1 (red) double positive neural progenitors derived from human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using the STEMdiff™ SMADi Neural Induction Kit (Catalog #08581).




毒 毒物及び劇物取締法の「毒物」(法第2条別表第1)を含む製品です。
劇 毒物及び劇物取締法の「劇物」(法第2条別表第2)を含む製品です。
カ 「遺伝子組換え生物等の使用等の規制による生物の多様性の確保に関する法律」(通称カルタヘナ法)の使用規制対象となる製品です。 ご使用に際しては規制に即し適切にお取り扱いください。
労 労働安全衛生法の「名称等を表示すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条)、あるいは「名称等を通知すべき危険物及び有害物」(法第57条第2項)を含む製品です。
向 麻薬及び向精神薬取締法の「麻薬向精神薬原料」(法第2条の7、別表第4)を含む製品です。