STEMCELL Technologies StemSpan StemSpan Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplement (100X)
- 研究用
StemSpan™ Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplement (100X) は、ヒト臍帯血(CB)または骨髄(BM)から分離されたCD34+細胞の巨核球前駆細胞への分化と増殖を選択的に促進するために配合された、組み換えヒトサイトカイン(SCF、IL-6、IL-9、TPO)を含んでいます。無血清培地に添加すると、通常、CD34+ヒトCB細胞の14日間の液体培養においてCD34+細胞1個あたり数百個の巨核球を産生できます。
StemSpan™ Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplementは、以下のStemSpan™培地と組み合わせた使用を想定しています。
・ StemSpan™ SFEM (ST-09600)
・ StemSpan™ SFEM II (ST-09605)
・ StemSpan™-XF (ST-100-0073)
・ StemSpan™-AOF (ST-100-0130)
- ヒト臍帯血または骨髄由来のCD34+細胞から開始する液体培養で、巨核球を大量に取得できます
- StemSpan™無血清培地との使用に最適化されています
(StemSpan™ SFEM IIとの併用時、臍帯血CD34+細胞から巨核球を他の市販無血清培地比で2倍まで増殖可能) - 100倍濃縮液として提供されます
- 巨核球形成の調節に関する研究
- 巨核球および血小板を増殖させる培養法の開発
Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplementを添加したStemSpan™ SFEM培地をもちいた、ヒト臍帯血CD34+細胞の増殖と細胞系列特異的分化による巨核球の産生

Flow cytometry dot plots showing expression of the hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell marker CD34 and megakaryocyte markers CD41a and CD42b (A) before and (B,C) after culture of CD34+ cord blood cells for 14 days in StemSpan™ SFEM containing Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplement. The frequency of CD34+ cells declined from 90% before culture to <3% after 14 days, in parallel with a gradual accumulation of CD41a+CD42b+ megakaryocytes from 80% before and after culture, respectively.
Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplementを添加したStemSpan™ SFEM培地をもちいた、ヒト臍帯血CD34+細胞由来巨核球の産生

Numbers and percent of CD41a+ cells produced after 14 days of culture of enriched CD34+ cells from 6 independent cord blood (CB) samples.
*95% confidence limits, the range within which 95% of the results will typically fall.
Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplementを添加した各種StemSpan培地による巨核球増殖の比較
(A) Average numbers and (B) frequencies of CD41+ megakaryocytic cells normalized relative to the values obtained in StemSpan™ SFEM (grey bars) after culturing purified CD34+ cord blood cells (n=6) for 14 days in StemSpan™ SFEM, SFEM II (blue bars) and AOF (orange bars) media containing Megakaryocyte Expansion Supplement. Vertical lines indicate 95% confidence limits, the range within which 95% of results typically fall.
*The numbers of CD41a+ cells were significantly higher in SFEM II (p<0.01, paired t-test, n=6) compared to SFEM and AOF medium.
Note: Data for StemSpan™-AOF shown were generated with the original phenol red-containing version StemSpan™-ACF (Catalog #09855). However internal testing showed that the performance of the new phenol red-free, cGMP-manufactured version, StemSpan™-AOF (Catalog #100-0130) was comparable.