STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff STEMdiff Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit
- 研究用
- 新製品
STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit(ST-100-0871)は、ヒト多能性幹細胞(hPSC)から脊髄運動ニューロンへと分化するための無血清培地です。Mauryら(Nature Biotechnology, 2015)による確立されたプロトコルに基づいており、脊髄運動ニューロンの純粋集団(平均で80%以上のクラスIII β-チューブリン陽性、50%以上の運動ニューロンマーカーISL1陽性、60%以上の運動ニューロンマーカーHB9陽性)を作製できます。これらの運動ニューロンはまた、HOXA5を高発現します。
得られた運動ニューロンは、ヒト神経疾患モデルや毒性試験など、さまざまな用途に使用することができます。MyoCult™ Differentiation Kit(ST-05965)を用いて作製した筋管との神経筋共培養、STEMdiff™ Microglia Differentiation Kit(ST-100-0019)を用いて作製したミクログリアとの共培養、あるいはAggreWell™400(ST-34460)での高収率生産にも適しており、高い汎用性を備えています。
本品で作製した運動ニューロンをさらに成熟させる場合、STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit(ST-100-0872)を用いて、14日間の追加培養により40%以上のChAT細胞を作製します。
*本品は、hPSCから運動ニューロンへ分化させるためのキットです。分化した運動ニューロンを成熟させるには、STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit(ST-100-0872)が必要になります。
STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron 培養系でhPSC由来の運動ニューロンを作製可能
- ヒト人工多能性幹細胞株(iPSC)から運動ニューロンへ、わずか14日間で分化できます
- 拡張性のある簡易なワークフローで、運動ニューロン培養を合理化します
- 神経細胞の活性と成熟をサポートするBrainPhys™ Neuronal Medium * と組み合わせることで、生理学的に適切な結果を得られます
- 適用可能な分化キットと組み合わせることで、共培養アプリケーションにおいて複雑な細胞間相互作用をモデル化できます
* BrainPhys™ Neuronal Mediumは、STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit(ST-100-0872)に構成品として含まれています。
STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kitは、hPSCから14日間で運動ニューロンを作製できます。得られる運動ニューロンは、STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kitでさらに14日以上培養して成熟させることができます。
Figure 1. Schematic for the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Culture System Protocol
Figure 2. Pure Population of Motor Neuron Progenitors Are Generated Using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit
hPSCs from a variety of cell lines were differentiated to motor neuron progenitors using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit in an ultra-low attachment or an AggreWell™400 plate. (A) hPSCs maintained in mTeSR™1 or mTeSR™ Plus were aggregated to EBs with the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit. On Day 9, EBs were dissociated into single cells and replated for adherent culture.The resulting cultures contain a population of cells expressing motor neuron progenitor marker OLIG2 (red) and are negative for spinal interneuron marker NKX2.2 (green). Nuclei are labeled with Hoechst (blue). (B) The percentage expression of OLIG2 and negative controls NKX2.2, FOXG1, OTX1, and OTX2 in the resulting cultures, derived from 2 hES (H1 and H7) and 2 hiPS (WLS-1C and STiPS-M001) cell lines, were quantified. This differentiation generated OLIG2+ motor neuron progenitors (83.20% ± 2.890%, mean ± SEM; n=4 cell lines, 2 replicates per condition). Numbers are % positive of total Hoechst-positive cells. hPSCs = human pluripotent stem cells; EB = embryoid body
Figure 3. Pure Population of Post-Mitotic Motor Neurons Are Generated Using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit
Motor neuron progenitors derived from a variety of cell lines were transitioned to post-mitotic motor neurons using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit. (A) Post-mitotic motor neurons were generated by Day 14 after hPSCs were differentiated with the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit. The resulting cultures contain a population of cells expressing neuronal identity marker βIII-TUB (green), mature motor neuron marker HB9 (red), and (B) ISL1 (red). Nuclei are labeled with Hoechst (blue). (C) The percentage expression of βIII-TUB, ISL1, and HB9 in the resulting cultures, derived from 3 hES (H1, H7, and H9) and 3 hiPS (WLS-1C, STiPS-M001, and STiPS-R038) cell lines, were quantified. This differentiation generated βIII-TUB+ (92.59% ± 1.079%, mean ± SEM; n=6 cell lines, 2 replicates per condition), ISL1+ (55.99% ± 3.723%, mean ± SEM), and HB9+ (65.17% ± 3.514%, mean ± SEM) motor neurons. Numbers are % positive of total Hoechst-positive cells. hPSC = human pluripotent stem cell
Figure 4. STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron System Generates Motor Neurons Patterned to the Cervical Axis
hPSCs from a variety of cell lines were differentiated to motor neuron progenitors using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit. Expression levels of the resulting cultures, derived from 2 hES (H1 and H7) and 2 hiPS (STiPS-M001 and STiPS-R038) cell lines, were measured by qPCR and hPSC-derived forebrain progenitor cells were used as a control. Analysis of Day 9 motor neuron progenitors showed high expression of cervical AP axis HOXA5 (n = 4) relative to hPSC. hPSCs = human pluripotent stem cells; qPCR = quantitative polymerase chain reaction; AP = anteroposterior
Figure 5. hPSC-Derived Motor Neurons Can Be Matured in STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Medium
Motor neuron progenitors derived from a variety of cell lines were matured using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit. (A) Mature motor neurons were generated after hPSCs were cultured with the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit for 14 days and then the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit for an additional 14 days. The resulting cultures contain a population of cells expressing neuronal identity marker βIII-TUB (green), mature motor neuron markers HB9 (red), (B) SYNAPSIN (red), and MAP2 (green), as well as (C) cholinergic neuron marker ChAT (green). Nuclei are labeled with Hoechst (blue). (D) The percentage expression of ChAT, HB9, and βIII-TUB in the resulting cultures, derived from 2 hES (H1 and H7) and 2 hiPS (STiPS-R038 and STiPS-M001) cell lines, were quantified. This differentiation generated ChAT+ (65.16% ± 3.737%, mean ± SEM; n=4 cell lines, 2 replicates per condition), HB9+ (79.58% ± 2.570%, mean ± SEM), and βIII-TUB+ (86.56% ± 2.331%, mean ± SEM) motor neurons. Numbers are % positive of total Hoechst-positive cells. hPSC = human pluripotent stem cell
Figure 6. hPSC-Derived Motor Neurons Matured in STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Medium Produces Cholinergic Neurons
hPSCs from a variety of cell lines were differentiated to motor neurons using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit for 14 days and then the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Maturation Kit for an additional 14 days prior to analysis. Expression levels of the resulting cultures, derived from 3 hES (H1, H7, and H9) and 3 hiPS (WLS-1C, STiPS-M001, and STiPS-R038) cell lines, were measured by qPCR and hPSC-derived forebrain neurons were used as a control. Analysis of Day 28 mature motor neurons showed higher expression of ChAT (n = 5, P<.0001, Two-way ANOVA with Sidak's multiple comparisons test). hPSCs = human pluripotent stem cells; qPCR = quantitative polymerase chain reaction; ChAT = choline acetyltransferase
Figure 7. hPSC-Derived Motor Neurons Can Be Co-Cultured with hPSC-Derived Myotubes for In Vitro Modeling
hPSCs were differentiated to motor neurons using the STEMdiff™ Motor Neuron Differentiation Kit and Maturation Kit. hPSC-derived myogenic progenitors were generated using the STEMdiff™ Myogenic Progenitor Kit and then induced to differentiate into myotubes using MyoCult™ Differentiation Medium. The resulting co-culture contains a population of cells expressing neuronal identity marker βIII-TUB (red), mature motor neuron marker ISL1 (blue), and AChR (green). Arrows indicate neuromuscular junctions. hPSC = human pluripotent stem cell; AChR = acetylcholine receptor.