STEMCELL Technologies STEMdiff Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells
- 研究用
- 新製品
Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells は、ただちに使用可能な高品質のヒト神経前駆細胞(neural progenitor cells:NPCs)です。本品の使用により、神経ワークフローを自信を持って開始できます。
本品のNPCは高い品質を確保するため、広範囲に試験された堅牢なSCTi003-A株から、無血清のSTEMdiff™ SMADi Neural Induction Kitを用いて分化しました。NPCはSTEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Mediumによる拡大培養でスケールアップでき、大量に細胞を必要とするワークフローのコスト削減を可能にします。増殖したNPCは、STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Freezing Mediumを用いて凍結保存することで、実験スケジュールを柔軟に変更することができます。
ヒトiPS細胞株 SCTi003-Aから分化した神経前駆細胞(NPC)
- 詳細に特性解析済みのコントロールiPS細胞株由来の高品質なNPC
- 解凍後すぐ、STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Mediumで増殖可能
- NPCを中間体として開始する神経分化ワークフローにより時間を節約
- STEMdiff™ 神経分化培地で、前脳ニューロンやアストロサイトに分化可能
- 同一の遺伝的背景をもつ適切なニューロン-アストロサイト共培養系樹立が可能
Figure 1. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Exhibit High-Quality Morphology Characteristic of Multipotent Central Nervous System Progenitor Cells
Cryopreserved Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells were thawed and plated onto Corning® Matrigel®-coated plates at 200,000 cells/cm². NPCs were incubated for 24 hours in STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Medium at 37℃ and subsequently analyzed by brightfield microscopy. NPCs display the small, teardrop-shaped morphology expected for NPCs. (A) 4X magnification, (B) 10X magnification. iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells.
Figure 2. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Express Characteristic Markers
Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells generated from SCTi003-A iPSCs were thawed, established in culture, and fixed for immunocytochemistry. The NPCs express neural progenitor markers (A) SOX1 and (B) PAX6 with low expression of (C) βIII-TUB. (D) In addition, they display the expected small, teardrop-shaped morphology. (E) The percentage expression of these markers were quantified. Neural progenitor markers PAX6 and SOX1 were found to be expressed in 90% of NPCs, while mature neuronal marker βIII-TUB was expressed in less than 10% of NPCs. Error bars represent standard deviation (n = 2 biological replicates). iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells.
Figure 3. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Can Effectively Differentiate into Forebrain Neurons
Forebrain neurons were generated from Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells using STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Medium. NPCs were cultured for six days at 37℃ in STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Medium. Cells were subsequently cultured in STEMdiff™ Forebrain Neuron Maturation medium for 14 days. Resulting cells were processed for immunocytochemistry. (A) The resulting forebrain neuron cultures contain a population of cells expressing (B) neuronal identity marker βIII-TUB (magenta), (C) but not astrocyte marker GFAP (green). (D) Nuclei are labeled with DAPI (gray). iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells.
Figure 4. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Can Effectively Differentiate into Midbrain Neurons
Midbrain neurons were generated from Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells using STEMdiff™ Midbrain Neuron Differentiation Medium. NPCs were cultured for six days at 37℃ in STEMdiff™ Midbrain Neuron Differentiation Medium. Cells were subsequently cultured in STEMdiff™ Midbrain Neuron Maturation medium for 14 days. Resulting cells were processed for immunocytochemistry. (A) The resulting midbrain neuron cultures contain a population of cells expressing (B) neuronal identity marker βIII-TUB (red) and (C) dopaminergic neuron marker TH (green), (D) but not astrocyte marker GFAP (magenta). (D) Nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells.
Figure 5. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Can Effectively Differentiate into Astrocytes
Astrocytes were generated from Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells using STEMdiff™ Astrocyte Differentiation Medium. NPCs were cultured for 21 days at 37℃ in STEMdiff™ Astrocyte Differentiation Medium. Cells were subsequently cultured in STEMdiff™ Astrocyte Maturation medium for seven days. Resulting cells were processed for immunocytochemistry. (A) The resulting astrocyte cultures contain a population of cells expressing (B) astrocyte marker S100β (green) and (C) GFAP (red), but not neuronal marker DCX (magenta). Nuclei are labeled with DAPI (blue). iPSC = induced pluripotent stem cell; NPCs = neural progenitor cells.
Figure 6. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells Can Be Expanded for Multiple Passages
Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells were thawed and maintained in STEMdiff™ Neural Progenitor Medium at 37℃ and passaged roughly once every seven days for a total of five weeks. The average fold increase of NPCs was 2.8 ± 0.5 (mean ± SEM) per passage, demonstrating cells can be effectively expanded.
STEMdiff Neural Progenitor Medium
STEMdiff Neural Progenitor Freezing Medium
STEMdiff Forebrain Neuron Differentiation Kit
STEMdiff Midbrain Neuron Differentiation Kit
STEMdiff Astrocyte Differentiation Kit
神経生理学用 無血清培地
Healthy Control Human iPSC Line, Female
Human iPSC-Derived Forebrain Neuron Precursor Cells